

Community In God’s Love


Healing includes group and individual prayer, anointing with oil,

laying on of hands, Scripture readings.

Come, let the joy of God’s love fill you.

As followers of Jesus Christ, we believe and try to practice being Christ in all we do. Sometimes, we fail, but we continue to move into the grace of God’s Holiness a little more every day. Through Baptism, we are members of God’s family. Some of our community activities include: providing scholarships to members and members families, supporting military people with prayer, offering a Memorial Garden for ashes, providing space for community gardeners.  We also support international missions, InterFaith Friends at Christmas, camps, healing, Ashes-To-Go, worship services, book and Bible study, and Godly Play – an interactive Sunday School for children.  Come and see!

‘In the Know’ show link: 84n7z8faox6ys28/IN_THE_KNOW_12 -25-16_Reverend_Lou_Divis_SHOW .mp3

Features Rev. Lou talking about light and dark at Christmas.  Interviewer is Lisa Orlandini from Visiting Nurse Hospice in Scranton.