What to Expect

Hello and thank you for looking for St. Peter’s Episcopal Church!

When you come up the driveway, park where you like, usually along the edges of the driveway, or on the handicap spot on the asphalt.  Some folks also park along the asphalt spaces.

The entrance is up the ramp.  There is sometimes a smiling greeter there to open the door, give you a bulletin and welcome you to the church.  If you are unfamiliar with the liturgy, the greeter can have you sit near someone who will  be  glad to give you hints if you get lost.

The bulletin provides page numbers, for the prayer book or hymnal.

The books we use include: the red Book of Common Prayer, and a blue Hymnal.  Page numbers will be announced during the service.  Laughter is always present.

We share the Peace of Christ during the worship time, and during this post-pandemic period it is a custom for everyone to smile and wave to everyone or to even hug or shake hands!  We bless, break, share the bread and wine at each Eucharist service and all are welcome to God’s table.  At the end of the service, we share ‘God moments’ with one another as a means of telling when we felt really close to God during the week.  It is the liveliest part of the service!

Worship is a time to be open to God’s grace, healed of whatever needs healing, blessed to be God’s people in the world, and thankful for what we have to share.  We worship God as Creator, Redeemer, and Sanctifier, who continually calls us to re-formation into God’s people in the world.